Measurement Services

Mitutoyo’s Measurement Services Department supports many companies across practically all industry sectors when QA inspection demand exceeds in-house capacity and outside help is the most timely and effective way of meeting the challenge.

Our Coventry and Halifax measurement centres offer a full range of third-party measurement, reporting and CMM programming services, with Halifax also providing specialist turbine blade measurement and programming resources. The highly experienced team ensures that the fastest and most cost-effective options are deployed to meet any particular need.

A new micro-website details the advantages and benefits to be obtained from the services on offer, and highlights how the most demanding components can be measured, profiled, analysed, scanned, programmed or compared to CAD data. In fact, any QC, QA production or SPC function can be handled with speed and precision, causing the least possible disruption to your overall project plans.

Visit the micro-site to find out how Mitutoyo’s Sub-Contract Measurement services can help your company quickly bring additional resource online and keep your customers happy with timely, high-quality inspection results backed by the reputation of the world leader in dimensional measurement technology.

Lauch the Measurement Services micro-site

You can contact the Measurement Services department by Emailing Us.

Get in touch!

For support, to place an order or to make enquiries please call:

01264 353123
8.30am till 5pm - Monday to Friday


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FREE Education Pack

Mitutoyo's Education Pack comprises a range of items designed to serve as convenient references to the theory and practice of engineering metrology for use in the classroom, workplace and laboratory.

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Metrology Handbook

This 398-page handbook covers the underlying principles,technology and application of a wide range of measuring equipment from basic tools to some of the most sophisticated inspection equipment available today. 

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